An Inconvenient Truth

In our world, today, lies and deceptions seem to be the new norm now. What is the truth? What is real anymore? Where is meaningful, life-affirming truth to be found? For centuries now, the hierarchy of the Catholic Church has successively prevented any women’s baptismal rite to become a priest in our Church, by keeping the truth out of sight, along with blatant centuries-old lying to the laity whether man or woman or women religious. This is a hierarchy completely entrenched in keeping any part of the word truth from ever seeing the light of day.

Omission of the Truth

How ironic, in the hierarchy’s centuries-old act of omission of the truth, it has awakened the laity’s curiosity for the real truth of the matter. The laity can’t see any reflection of Jesus’ ministry in their hierarchy’s deception to them. The harder they try they can’t find any semblance of Jesus’ presence around them. For sure we will never see it around our hierarchy’s lies, and deceit. The actions of theses so-called men of God are completely void of Jesus’ own ministry. Boy, do we ever miss Jesus’ genuine presence of radiating truth, throughout our church? The truth is, bringing back women priests would make our church come alive again with a new vitality and a true equality present for any woman in our church today. It as well would help start to address the ever-current priest shortage issue.

Your Mission Should You Accept It

Your mission should you accept it, is to enact finally meaningful change. We all have to allow the truth of the women priest issue to surface from the shadows of our church’s history closets. The truth is simply the vehicle we all will drive in 2020, to hold the hierarchy of our catholic church accountable for their centuries-old scandal of lies and outright deception. Only when the laity worldwide can realize how they have been personally deceived, along with how both Jesus and Mary have been disrespected and ignored, will their support for the hierarchy begin to wane. Let this truly be the turning point on the women priest ordination issue, by proudly bringing back the title of Mary priest, the model of all priesthood in the catholic church again for today’s Catholics worldwide?

To learn more about this topic, be sure to opt-in for Chapter 4 of the book, Scandal in the Shadows. Click the image to the right.

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