Women Priests

Margaret for Women PriestsThere is nothing like being out on a picket line to gauge the real pulse of a particular issue. While I am picketing for Women Priests, I certainly experience a myriad of emotional responses being directed right at me. For the most part, their emotions mirror anger, outrage and even disbelief at what I am doing through my picketing. I have been told I must literally be crazy to do such a thing. I’ve been told to stop talking so that I don’t look more stupid than I already am. And I’ve been called a heretic for sure. When I try to engage fellow Catholics in a conversation on early women priest history, I am told to stop making things up, this is not so, the Church has told us so. There basically is no divergence, not even the tiniest crack of wavering at all in their minds. They know it is true because the Church says it is so. They adamantly are defending their own faith belief.

On the other side of the coin, how would theses Catholics, ever be able to digest the fact that this early History is real and actually happened. To believe that truth requires one coming to a sobering realization of the very fact that you have been lied to by your own Church. Betrayal’s stinging bite sets in while you contemplate their outright lie to you. Are you going to go back into denial and keep the same old same old, or is this going to motivate you into meaningful action?

The Church hierarchy have obviously been in control of the spin on this topic. Before the advent of Biblical material had been researched the Church, for centuries, was free to continue their ancient Scandal of lies and cover-up relating to the past history of women Priests in the early Church. How convenient indeed for the hierarchy to stick with their story of there never having been women priest’s in our Church to begin with. In other words, this topic becomes mute now and there is no need to field questions of any type from the Press on it.

Is it really no wonder why so many of the Laity today world-wide don’t even see women’s Ordination as any type of an issue?  How could they, when their Church never told them so? Beyond the centuries old Scandal of lies to the Laity, the hierarchy implores the specific words of feminism and power being behind the motivation of women wanting to become priests. Both of these words can connote negative feelings to other women. This works well to the hierarchy’s advantage, since It can incite the feelings of others to be against this topic. Thus leaving two separate factions of women on this issue. Those who know the truth of this issue and those who know nothing of this truth but only the false truth they have been told by the Church.

Just as men received their call from God to serve him, so do women as well. How is any women’s call to serve God to increase their Spirituality have anything at all to do with power?  In the year 2019: are lies, deception and betrayal really the best that the hierarchy of the Catholic Church can offer any Women today?

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