009: A Journey of Spiritual Awakening: Catherine Maxey’s Path to Becoming a Woman Priest

During this episode of the Your Radical Truth podcast, host, Margaret Mary O’Connor, talks with Catherine Marie, woman priest.  Margaret Mary and Catherine Maxey met while protesting treatment of women priests, as well as women overall, by the Catholic Church.

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They delve into the captivating story of Catherine Marie’s remarkable journey of spirituality and self-discovery.

From her Catholic upbringing to her exploration of various faith traditions, Catherine’s quest ultimately led her to become an ordained priest in the Independent Catholic Church. Catherine shares the challenges she faced, the truths she discovered, and the profound significance of everyday spirituality in her life.

Catherine Marie’s Spiritual Odyssey

Catherine Marie’s spiritual journey commenced within the confines of the Roman Catholic Church, where she was baptized and raised.

However, her dissatisfaction with the Church’s treatment of women and the imposed limitations on them propelled her to seek alternative paths.

As a nurse, wife, and mother, she embarked on a quest to uncover her own spiritual truth, venturing into different denominations including Hinduism and Buddhism.

During her exploration, Catherine encountered the concept of a feminine image of God, which challenged the prevailing male-dominated perspective within Christianity.

She resonated deeply with the notion that spirituality transcends gender and that women are equally capable of answering their divine calling. Her experiences and observations gradually led her to question the power dynamics and patriarchal structures entrenched within religious institutions.

The Discovery of the Independent Catholic Church

Catherine’s search eventually led her to the Independent Catholic Church, a branch that separated from the Roman Catholic Church in the 19th century.

Here, she discovered a faith community that embraced inclusivity, allowing women to be ordained as priests and perform sacraments. This newfound openness to women’s spiritual leadership captivated Catherine’s heart, and she embarked on a transformative journey within this community.

Ordination and Spiritual Awakening

Through her involvement in the Independent Catholic Church, Catherine underwent a profound transformation. Though she did not experience a dramatic divine calling, she recognized the subtle nudges of the spirit and the gradual unfolding of her priestly vocation.

Witnessing other women performing sacraments moved Catherine to tears, affirming her own spiritual potential and validating her sense of purpose.

Embracing Freedom and Contemplation

Following her ordination, Catherine found herself embracing the freedom that her role as a woman priest offered. She stepped away from the limitations and prescribed rubrics of the traditional church, seeking a more contemplative path to deepen her connection with God.

This period of discernment allowed her to explore her own unique way of serving as a priest and reconnecting with the divine.

Everyday Spirituality and the Importance of Inclusion

Throughout Catherine’s journey, she encountered challenges and opposition from those who questioned the validity of women in the priesthood. However, she emphasizes that the truth lies in historical research, including the findings of the pontifical biblical commission. As Margaret Mary pointed out, there is no biblical reason to exclude women from ordination.

Catherine and her fellow women priests tirelessly work to spread awareness of this historical reality and challenge the misconceptions surrounding women’s roles in the Catholic Church.

Catherine’s Ministry Takes a Unique Turn

Catherine Marie felt called to bring light to the tragic shooting at the Tops Market. Recognizing the immense pain and devastation caused by the event, she embarked on a mission to honor the lives lost and provide solace to the affected community.

Through her artistic talents, Catherine created the quilt as a tangible symbol of remembrance and healing. Her intention was to shine a light on the tragedy and initiate conversations about the underlying issues, including racism, that contribute to such senseless acts of violence. By sharing the quilt and engaging with different communities, Catherine aimed to raise awareness and promote unity, hoping to inspire meaningful change and prevent future tragedies.

Catherine invites others to also create a quit to honor other victims of senseless shootings. Her hope is that these people will not be viewed as simply the next news story, but rather, the amazing people they were whose lives were cut short by senseless gun violence.

Final Thoughts

Catherine Marie’s journey from a disillusioned Catholic to an ordained woman priest in the Independent Catholic Church serves as an inspiring testament to the power of personal exploration and spiritual freedom.

Her story highlights the profound significance of everyday spirituality and the urgent need for inclusivity in religious institutions. As Catherine continues to walk her contemplative path, she stands as a beacon of hope for women seeking their own authentic spiritual calling, reminding us all that gender should never limit one’s connection with the divine.

About Catherine Maxey: Woman Priest

Baptized as a Roman Catholic, Catherine Marie embarked on a lifelong journey of spiritual exploration, constantly seeking her own path. Along the way, she embraced various roles, including nurse, wife, mother, and grandmother. However, it was in her fifties that she discovered the Independent Catholic Church, a community that embraces women as equals in ministry. In 2017, Catherine was ordained as a woman priest, marking a significant turning point in her life.

Having served pastorally in Massachusetts, Catherine later moved to Western New York, where she embarked on a more contemplative lifestyle. In her daily celebration of the Eucharist and through her art, she delved into the concept of Mother God, exploring the divine feminine in a profound and personal way. This unexpected road as a woman priest has brought Catherine new challenges and wonders each day, as she continues to navigate her unique path and embrace  the joys and complexities that come with it.

Catherine invites anyone who would like to create a quilt, or discuss her journey to becoming a woman priest, is welcome to reach out at
catherinemariepriest @ gmail.com

About Margaret Mary O’Connor

Margaret Mary O’Connor, as a member of the Catholic Laity, thought she knew everything about the Catholic Church, at least until she came upon a centuries-old Scandal of lies and cover-up by the Hierarchy of that Church. Frankly, she was fed up being lied to by her own Church, about its own past Church’s History on Women priests. With that realization, she truly felt in that moment, the monumental feeling of betrayal by her own Church.

Follow Margaret, as she travels down this Highway of Radical Truth where lies and outright coverup will be disclosed. Millions of Catholics are unaware of that past presence of Women Bishop’s, Women Deacons, as well as Women Priests, all there hiding in plain sight, in Early Church History.

As the complicity of this centuries-old Scandal continues, Margaret wants her fellow Catholics to learn the actual truth of this matter for themselves. She strongly believes, at minimal, any Catholic deserves the actual truth of this matter. To say that change is needed is hardly an understatement. She doesn’t let the Church’s betrayal stop her from uncovering some very fascinating Church Skeleton’s – one which very well might help solve our current priest shortage issue today.

Margaret Mary O’Connor has been called, “The Modern Day David” on many occasions. On a mission to reveal carefully guarded secrets of the Catholic Church, she unveils the truth through her well-researched writings. Get her book on Amazon… CLICK HERE


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Twitter: @yrradicaltruth
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/yourradicaltruth/


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