Church history, to some, might seem rather dry. But I guess that depends on what skeletons are discovered in the closets of our Church’s history.
The sad fact is that the hierarchy does not see the question of women’s equality in our Church as an issue at all. They have completely closed the door to any religious sister or lay woman who receives a call to the priesthood. As their complicity continues, I want fellow Catholics to learn the actual truth of this matter for themselves.
From our early Church history, we literally find a completely lost religious heritage of women priests. We certainly need to honor these past forgotten women religious by including them back into the lectionary readings in our Church. As my late pastor William G. Stanton, told me, “Canon law can be reversed by a stroke of the pope’s pen.”
My hope is that you travel back into the early history of our Church. Your journey will be a discovery of fascinating proportions. You will be surprised by the thought-provoking history of our Church. I want you to see your Church as you have never seen it before. Who knew that the solutions to today’s problems in our Church may well be solved by using past Church history? By traversing this highway of past history, let this knowledge truly transform your own faith.
As I ventured forward on my own trip into past Church history, I found it to be a journey of a provocative nature. Come along and have the opportunity to unearth Church closets containing some very interesting skeletons indeed.
If you’re ready to discover the truth about the Catholic Church….
Be sure to subscribe to Your Radical Truth Blog and join me on Facebook as we venture through the history together.
And be sure to access a sample chapter from my upcoming book, Scandals in the Shadow, due for release soon.