What would it be like for you the reader, to realize that you had been lied to, with the offending party being your own Church? Initially, you might be feeling numb, and denial appears helping to shield you from this awful truth. Yet, when denial leaves you, you alone are left to deal with the cold, harsh, reality of being duped, in this case by the Catholic Church’s hierarchy. How do you ever personally begin to process your own betrayal of trust? Indeed, so many questions abound for any woman in the Catholic Church Today.
When lies Become Your Present Truth
Why does this same Church continue to lie today to women about there never being women priests? Yet, found in this Church’s early past history is the very presence of not only women priests but women bishops and women deacons. Just as your Church’s foundation is comprised of particular religious beliefs, and traditions, handed down over centuries of time, for you as a believer, this is what makes your particular faith, so special to you. In fact, you know these particular religious beliefs and traditions have evolved from Jesus’ time and continue into your own time period. And embedded in this continuing time frame, from past centuries to the current day was an unspoken belief that you were being told the truth, instead of the actual lies you were told.
What are You Going to Do, For not only Yourself but For Your Church’s Good?
Here you are left to find your own way, in a Church, you now realize you never fully knew. Though you knew for sure who both Jesus and Mary were more importantly they still personally continue to bring their meaningful presence into your daily life. But here lies the awful rub, you are a member of a Church whose hierarchy is not modeling above all, Jesus’ Ministry of Truth and Unquestionable Honesty. So how do you continue to stay in an institution that you love on the one hand, while on the other hand you sadly cannot find Jesus’ morals present in offending Priests, or the hierarchy replacing the actual truth instead, with lies and deception?
What Are Our Options?
We all in our everyday life at times employ options as a way to access a particular situation at hand. For some reason, something is not operating as it should be, whether at work, the machinery, the person programing it, or just others not doing what their particular task requires. The more personal this disruption is to yourself, you certainly see and begin to experience it on different levels than ever before. Then why, if we take a scenario from a spiritual perspective that certainly is not operating right, why is there no immediacy to begin again to question the particular offense and actually offer real options to address the issue at hand? Under Vatican II, Catholics can talk out on matters of importance, yet there is complete silence. Jesus, was the one who openly spoke out against the Religious figures of His time. Are you going to follow Jesus’ model of involvement, concern, and actual action, to bring back into our Church, Jesus’ real Ministry? For every Catholic whether here in the United States or World-Wide, you do have that option of getting involved and taking meaningful action, but only, if you avail yourself to it!
You can begin that action by signing the petition here.
To learn more about this topic, be sure to opt-in for Chapter 4 of the book, Scandal in the Shadows. Click the image to the right.