Mary Priest and the Ordination of Women

On the Hard to Believe Podcast, with John Cross, he provided a Church argument, why women can’t be priests. He said, “if you are a good Catholic you abide by the Catholic Church teachings and doctrines. If you are a woman you are challenging the Church’s doctrines which is what disqualifies you from the Priesthood. It’s not your womanhood, that makes you ineligible for the Priesthood, the fact that you as a woman, you are not obeying the Catholic Church Doctrine.”

What would you say to that argument?

In reference to the above argument, my response would center around the premise that their doctrine is faulty in the sense that the Catholic Church, sites five specific reasons why Women can not be Priests. They always attribute all five of them as being Biblical reasons, while in fact, Biblical research is instead showing these five reasons to be based on cultural prejudice. Isn’t it time for the hierarchy to come out with a statement, to clarify the real truth here for the Laity of this Church?

John as well, asked me, “do you look to any particular time in Church history to say, if this could happen, anything is possible?”

Indeed, “anything is possible,” according to the Pope’s own Commission’s findings. In 1976, the “Pontifical Biblical Commission determined that there is no Biblical reason to prohibit Women’s Ordination.”

For any women in the Catholic Church, in what universe is it all right for any Pope to ignore their Commission’s findings? If you receive God’s call to serve Him, you will never be able to fulfill that call, until your Church hierarchy actually takes action on the true facts at hand.

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