Embracing Women’s Past Ordination

For several years now, I have been picketing with the Call to Action Group for Women’s Ordination in the Catholic Church. I know all too well from picketing on this issue the visceral emotions that this subject elicits. One often notices resentment and palpable anger toward other Catholics, who dare question what their Church has told them as being so.

Completely lost in the above thoughts, are any iota of recognition of the factual truth at hand here, that any layperson, man or woman, has been misinformed about women’s previous Priestly role in Church History.  I was out picketing this morning for Women Priests Ordination when a woman came up to me saying, “this is disheartening what you are doing, there are young men going to be married to Christ in the Priesthood, and you are out here picketing. You should be ashamed of yourself”. I said, “Yes, indeed, it is shameful that women in the Catholic Church are not being Ordained here as well. They should be in this procession today, following in the footsteps of previous women in our Church’s early history. Then she informed me that she had a doctorate in Theology and basically, I didn’t know what I was talking about. Yet, on the sign I carried, were pictures of women in different Priestly positions, from our own Church’s past history. Sadly she immediately turned away from me going into Church in a huff. If one never is open to exploring beyond the Bible into Biblical Research, they never will learn the true factual evidence on Women Bishops, Deacons, and Priests, within the early Catholic Church’s History. One noticeable new occurrence for me was having four individuals come up to me, and then thank me for what I was doing. These were Catholics who took to heart the actual factual matter which exists about this previously hidden history of Women Priests and is seeing their Church like they have never seen it before.

How Ironic, If ever there was a time in the History of the Catholic Church, where Women Priests are desperately needed, to begin to fill the ever hemorrhaging Priest Shortage, that time is certainly now. The Catholic Church Hierarchy’s, selective memory on this issue has made the Women Priest Issue, such a contentious subject today. If the Hierarchy, had only been truthful from the get go, this issue of Women’s Ordination, would never have reached the degree of controversy it has presently morphed into.

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