Moving out of Your Comfort Zone, Speaking Up for Women Priests

I was a guest on the Impactful Authenticity Podcast with host Lucy Rowell. Lucy wondered if I was always so confident in speaking out on an issue. I recalled my experience of attending a Dale Carnegie Public Speaking Class, and how it turned out to be something that would be so helpful to me in the future. This was years before I ever appeared as either a guest on a podcast show or had my own podcast show, Your Radical Truth. That class gave me the confidence to speak out on others’ podcasts as well as my own podcast.

Her follow-up question asked, “How would you share from your experience with others who don’t feel that they can be quite so authentic in terms of the religion that they follow?

I reminded them that Vatican II, The Constitution on the Laity in the Church, says, “that the Laity have the right to speak out on issues of importance.” In so doing, they are not doing anything wrong; they have nothing to worry about. They indeed have done nothing sinful. When you are speaking from a position of truth, it really emboldens you in giving you that inner power and confidence to address the particular issue!

Lucy has a segment on her podcast where she asks the guest, “What would be a challenge this week to give to our listeners to attempt?” I replied, I would ask them to go back to a subject area which they think they know all about it. Google it, and take a deep dive into it to discover if another side to this issue actually exists and if so would this new perspective make any difference to you? Might it change your current view of this subject area?

The very premise behind my own podcast, Your Radical Truth, is seeing the other side of an issue which you have never heard about before, let alone knew existed. A perfect subject area which illustrates this is the issue of Catholic Women Priests. A centuries-old issue hiding in plain sight within the shadows of the Catholic Church’s own history. This Church’s hierarchy have informed you with the fact that there never were women Priests in the history of their Church. Their misinformation has led you to the conclusion that this is a closed issue. Yet, Biblical research opens up a new fascinating other side to the question of a former history of Women Priests, let alone Women Deacons and women Bishops within the history of the Catholic Church. Who was the most famous Woman Priest in this Church? Why don’t you recognize the name Mary Priest? Who exactly had the title, “The Model for all Priesthood in the Catholic Church?”

For any woman in the Catholic Church, your religious heritage is completely lost to you. Mary Priest is Mary Mother of God. How exciting to realize that Mary herself was a Woman Priest. We all collectively, the Laity of the Church, the People of God should be openly celebrating Mary’s former Priestly religious role in our Church’s history! The Church fathers removed Mary’s title from her in 1927. They have been very content with keeping Mary Mother of God’s secret just that. What course of action do you, I, or anyone else do, that believes that Mary should certainly not be disrespected in this shameful way?

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