Mary Mother of Jesus, Needs to Return as the Woman Priest She Was

I was reading a July 31, article from the National Catholic Reporter entitled, “Mary Mother of Jesus, Returns as an Icon for Pop Stars and Social Justice Warriors,” by Whitney Bauck, Religion News Service. Indeed, from the realm of music to clothing and apparel, to even an electronic device for the guitar, which has the picture of Mary on it and is called the Blessed Mother. This obviously is not the normal Church association we think about being connected with Mary Mother of Jesus, for sure.

Taking Mary Mother of Jesus, outside the Walls of our Catholic Church

Yes, taking Mary outside of our Catholic Church, will definitely be construed differently by Catholics. For Equishua, …”Wearing Mary in a fashion piece is unexpected,” she explained. “I think what’s cool is taking something out of context.” If this is done in a respectful manner, I say go for it. Let’s face it, the younger generation of our Church is its future hope. If Mary’s presence to these younger Catholics, or as well to individuals of other faith beliefs, is igniting a new meaningful spark within them that is truly special.  The following quote says it all, “Mary has become an icon to a younger generation of all faiths and no faith that has put social justice at the center of its hopes for a better world.”

When Will the Catholic Church Hierarchy Act on its Own Commissions Findings, to Make its Own Church, the Best That it Can Be? 

Back in 1975, The Pontifical Biblical Commission, the Pope’s own Commission, said, “there is no Biblical reason to prevent Women from becoming Priests.” The time has come for the younger generation of Catholics, to understand that Jesus’ Mother was actually a Woman Priest, called Mary Priest. You have a special opportunity to honor Mary Mother by holding the hierarchy of our Church accountable for their continual lying and cover-up pertaining to Mary’s role as a Woman Priest. Who were these so-called men of God, to remove this title away from her? Up until the year 1927, Mary retained her title as, ‘The Model For All Priesthood in the Catholic Church.’ For your own Mother, sister, aunt, or any woman in our Church, their own right to answer Jesus’ ‘Call is forbidden even in the light of Biblical research substantiating women’s priestly roles in our early Church’s history. No wonder this same hierarchy never acknowledges this period of history from their own Church.

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