No, I’m not a Troublemaker but I am a Truth Teller

The above headline came from a June 15, 2022 National Catholic Reporter article, “Joan Chittister tour excites Australian Catholic Reformers. Let us all focus on this Benediction sister’s poignant words. “No, I’m not a Troublemaker but I am a Truth Teller, and that can get you into a lot of trouble.” Here is a Woman who basically has done nothing wrong, except tell the truth in regards to the Catholic Church. This Church’s hierarchy has repeatedly canceled her scheduled speaking engagements at other Catholic Church events worldwide or in the United States. Yes, what exactly are they afraid of, in keeping her from speaking? What skeletons, are in their own closets which need never to see the light of day? Could the clue to solving this mystery, perhaps revolve around a particular subject matter, or the fact of herself urging fellow Catholics to speak up about their concerns? To some, this would sound strange let alone actually doing so. Why specifically would there even be a need for such? If this Church’s hierarchy had only addressed today’s issues, in the past, before they became the dire issues they are in our Church today.

Sister Joan went on to say, “it is time for prophetic voices everywhere to get into the conversation study the issues, stay with the problems do speak out. The question now is whether there’ll be prophets enough among you here, in this group, in this generation to help the world and the church sort and shift ideas that others want to suppress. Prophets of real faith must go on raising their cries!”

If ever there was a time for everyday Catholics to speak up, that time is now.

Growing up with the pray, pay, and obey concept, the words Speak Up will sound very out of place. Yet, in Vatican II, under the Church, there is a section on the Laity. Article 37, states, “An individual layman, is permitted and sometimes obliged to express his opinion on things which concern the good of the Church.” In other words, you are not wrong in speaking out. Our voices collectively will bring accountability to a Church issue. When you think of it, where has our silence as the Laity, helped our Church? The Church’s silence has covered up women’s roles as Priest, Bishop, and Deacon. Covered up the deplorable Priest Sexual Abuse, which in no way is over with. Then there is the issue affecting any Catholic’s access to Eucharist, due to the ever-present Priest Shortage. Sadly our hierarchy has not been accountable for their actions as well as inaction. Are you going to raise your voice up? And in so doing truly affect meaningful change in our Spiritual lives!

How ironic, that my book, Scandal in the Shadows:The Original Priest – Mother Mary, the motto for book is, ‘Here’s To The Truth.’ I am one voice out there to

present the factual truth, of Mary Mother of God, was a woman Priest. In what universe, is it right for your own Church, not to disclose this to you? Do we ever need transparency right now? Yes, the laity, “The people of God,” can make that transparency a reality, but this is not the time to wait, or wish, let’s all join together and get this done!

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