Revelations Beyond Belief

I was a guest on “One More Thing Before You Go Podcast” with host, Michael Hurst. It seemed like at every turn in the subject area at hand, Women Priests, so many questions abound. I referenced a period in early Christianity as a hidden history of Women in Priestly positions. You might be wondering exactly what I could be referring to. I find it very curious why the Catholic Church hierarchy never publicly acknowledges a part of their own Church’s history. Indeed, why the need for them to keep this specific period of Church history, a secret? What exactly don’t they want the Laity of this Church to ever see? This awful out-of-mind, out-of-sight mentality for sure has very efficiently shut down any whisper of women ever having a previous Religious Priestly role in the Catholic Church.

If there ever was one mantra that any Catholic ever heard, it was, that there never were Women Priests at any time in our Church’s history.  Knowing now from Biblical Research that this statement is blatantly false, what real loss then has been incurred by any Catholic Women in our Church today? They continue to be deprived of the former Religious Heritage of being a Women Deacon, Bishop, or Priest. That tradition if not Being upended by our Church Hierarchy, would have continued to be passed down from one family to another over generations of time. This is the powerful witness of one’s faith life, to God which has been completely erased for any young Catholic girls to personally witness for themselves on our Church Altar today.

It is one thing for the Catholic Church, to completely dismiss the factual History of Women in Priestly positions. But as well to completely dismiss Mary Mother of God, as a Woman Priest, is simply so utterly reprehensible. Looking back to the year 1926, this is when the Church hierarchy removed Mary Mother of God’s Title from her. Mary Priest’s title was “The Model For All Priesthood In The Catholic Church.” Reflecting on their actions, how could they ever take away Mary Priest’s Title from her? What specific thought process was in play here? It seemingly reflected a belief on their part to do anything to prevent women from becoming Women Priests again in the Catholic Church.

What I found so chilling was their total disrespect not only to Mary herself but also to her son Jesus. These so-called men of God, were in no way modeling the real ministry of Jesus, which today is so sorely missing in this Church.

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