Secret History of the Catholic Church

Host Esther Mortimer, of “The 963 Universal Frequency Podcast,” asked me, “why has the church indoctrinated that oppression or lack of equality for women?” That very mindset was initiated when the early church fathers literally formed their church law from Rome’s own Civic Law. This law itself deemed women as being inferior and not equal to men from the get-go. Thus from the early centuries of our Church, through the Middle Ages, including today, cultural prejudice continues to be ever-present.

As well Esther, asked me, “have you ever doubted your religion after these Scandals?” It certainly has been very disturbing when one ponders the actions of these so-called men of God. Their actions in no way, mirror Jesus’ own ministry.

I love my faith, Jesus Christ and Mary. In fact, that is why I have chosen not to leave my faith. Whether it is the priest sexual abuse scandal or the scandal of omitting the factual truth of women’s religious roles in our past church’s history, the truth needs to come out. If Jesus, did not lie to those He came in contact with, then, however, is it acceptable for those representing Him, to do otherwise? Their cover-up has decimated any women from having a religious heritage experience in their own families from one generation to another one. Their own sister or aunt were never afforded the opportunity to be a women priest, women bishop, or women deacon. More stinging is the sober reality of any women not being able to answer their own call from God, due to their own church’s cover-up of the actual truth.

With the factual truth at hand, it is time to acknowledge this wonderful truth and not look at it from the perspective of fear. We know now, that our past Church history included women priests. In a time when there is such a shortage of priests, having women priests would certainly begin to fill the ever hemorrhaging loss of priests today. With the actual truth coming out, there will be no room anymore, for cultural prejudice of any type to continue to exist.

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