The Hidden Story of Women in the Catholic Church

I was a guest on the “Work Your Energy Podcast Show” with host Ruth Elisabeth Hancock. In the early history of the Catholic Church, women in religious roles were suddenly removed from such positions by new Canon Law. Not being allowed on the Altar again suddenly ended their ministry. With their presence gone, they no longer were talked about. Literally out of mind out of sight. Thus from that time forward their history has effectively been concealed, hidden within the shadows of this Church’s own past history.

In our discussion, Elisabeth, in so many words, wondered why these men were enacting such laws which basically were putting women down. I, as well, had pondered how men were making presumptions that frankly did not seem to make sense. In an article, “Women’s Ordination Worldwide*”, Dr. John Wijngaards said, Aquinas, said, “women were created in God’s image only to the extent that they too have a mind.” ( ST, 1, 93, 4 ad1) But women cannot use their brain fully because God “ordered men not women for intellectual activity.” ( ST, 1,92, 1). Today a main so-called Biblical reason preventing women from Priesthood, is that women are not made in the image of God.

The prejudice against women continued with men’s perverse views on Women’s uncleanliness. Men reasoned if it was that time of the month for women, then how can women be allowed on the Altar? Thus another reason for men is to not allow women on the Altar. Then there is a biblical view that women shouldn’t teach in public. There actually was a civil law stating that women were both emotionally unstable and mentally feeble-minded to be allowed to teach in public. This condition as well seemed more prevalent in women than men. In fact, when you pull back the so-called Biblical reasons preventing Women from becoming priests, you instead discover the ugly head of perverse Cultural Prejudice which indeed, has no biblical connection whatsoever. 

This hidden story of Women in the Catholic Church is actually hiding in plain sight. Biblical Research removes the centuries-old Church’s selective memory of Women’s Priestly roles in our Church’s early history.

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