The Sound of Silence

I recently attended a talk given by Joan Chittister, a benedictine sister, who speaks out for social justice and woman’s advocacy against the Catholic Church. She as well is co-chair of the Global Peace Initiative. For decades now she has literally been a lone voice speaking from her heart to reach the everyday catholics, on their need to be aware of the issues of their day. No matter how much or how loud we complain to ourselves obviously, nothing will change until we become involved in the real issues in our church today!

For anyone fortunate enough to have the opportunity to personally listen to her talk, is indeed so special. Here is a religious sister, who gets your attention immediately. Beyond her wealth of knowledge is her passion, enthusiasm, and unwavering belief to speak out rather than remain silent. She specifically referenced the word silence as a “deafening silence” that pervades inside our church. This deafening tone will continue to exist until the Laity let their individual voices be raised and heard.

“Fools” said I, “You do not know
Silence like a cancer grows.
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you”
But my words, like the silent raindrops fell and echoed in the wells of silence.

The Sound of Silence – Simon & Garfunkel.

Those “silent raindrops” in the above song can echo are unspoken thoughts and feelings on our church’s issues today. This deafening silence from the laity is pure contentment to the church hierarchy. The Catholic Church, even views carrying a picket sign as something to immediately be taken care of. I will never forget a particular St. Patrick’s Day morning, when I was picketing against an enabler Bishop, at St. Joseph’s Cathedral, in Buffalo, NY. A former FBI retired agent working for the Dioceses of Buffalo approached me, and as our discussion ended five police cars arrived. The five officers all surround me, with one yelling, “get across the street or you will be arrested.”  Really, children were being rapped by offending priests, where were the police cars for them? This ludicrous behavior to maintain secrecy within our church’s walls needs to stop here and now. The simple answer is for the laity to come together as one, modeling Jesus’ own behavior of questioning the church leaders of His own time. The laity yearns for the very substance of truth, but its distinctive honesty and refreshing integrity are not present to them and never will be so until they actually raise their own voices of needed concern.

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