The Vatican and the Issue of Women Priests

I was on the Christian Reeve Podcast, and he asked me, “what is your kind of view of the Vatican, and its influence on Christianity?” In specific reference to the issue of allowing women to become priests, the Vatican’s actions of deliberate cover-up are disturbingly present. Back in 1976, the Pope’s own Pontifical Biblical Commission stated, “there is no Biblical reason why women can’t be priests.” This so sadly is a deliberate cover-up of the hierarchy completely sitting on this issue and doing nothing to actually make it an actuality for any women in the Catholic Church today.

Women’s Inequality in the Catholic Church  

Christian, as well inquired, “why do you think this is the case that we haven’t gotten there yet, of having women priests?” I believe it has to do with the fact that any women in this Church, still do not retain their own equal equality status yet. Many Catholics are not familiar with organizations like Call To Action, Future Church, Women’s Ordination Conference, or Roman Catholic Women Priests. These organizations have been going back and forth with Rome for years. The shameful fact is the hierarchy will not acknowledge the truth at the hand of women’s past tradition of being Women Priests.

Here’s To The Truth of Women Priests Own Past Tradition in the Catholic Church!

When you think of Pope Francis, receiving his own call from Jesus to become a priest, was he denied this request on the grounds of him not having equality in his Church? Then why should any women, who like Francis, received the same Baptism be denied their own equality in this same Church? The inconvenient truth for the hierarchy of this Church is, the factual Biblical Truth is present. Once the Laity learns about this truth at hand, their own equality can and will no longer remain off of the radar of the Catholic Church hierarchy.

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