What is Celiac Disease Really Is

I was on the Podcast Show, My Story VNP, with Arthur Cipllaka (Watch below). He said, “tell me about your book”. My new book, “Journey of a Celiac’s Soul: A Second Chance At Life,” literally explains my journey over a twenty-year span of living with an undiagnosed autoimmune disease that affected not only my physical body but as well my faith life. The common denominator here was the grain of wheat present in my everyday foods, to wheat contained in the Communion Host.

So many people associate Celiac disease with the term fad diet. So then there is great confusion when they hear Celiac Disease, being called an auto-immune disease. Which one is it? The fad diet term began when celebrity actors, actresses, and sports figures, began going on the Celiac diet. The Celiac diet is one to help celiacs maintain their weight, rather than to lose their weight.  Having a medically diagnosed autoimmune disease is no fun way to lose your weight.

To have this same grain of wheat, literally follow you into your Church, taking up residence on the Church Altar, in the form of the Wheaten Communion host, was simply unbelievable. If the loss of my everyday food wasn’t enough, now I had to contend with the loss of my own Spirituality in not having access to receiving Communion. Out of all of this craziness, the bright light is, I literally have been given a second chance at life. With my diagnosis, my doctor informed me, within six months, I would have been in my grave, not being on a Celiac diet.

To learn more about this topic, be sure to opt-in for a chapter of the book, Journey of a Celiac’s Soul. Click the image to the right.

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