Who Really Wants The Awful Sexual Abuse Scandal To Continue Onward?

A heading on my computer regarding priest sexual abuse, brought to mind the January 6, 2022 “World Over” TV Show. Mr. Bill Donohue, President of the Catholic League, specifically referenced a publication called, “The National Catholic Reporter,” regarding the Priest sexual abuse issue in the Catholic Church. He said, “they don’t want the Scandal to go away, they want everyone to believe it is still around.” If this comment wasn’t outrageous enough, he continued on saying, “the Bishops, have done a good job cleaning up the mess.”

Is the quote in the above paragraph, “they don’t want the Scandal to go away, they want everyone to believe it is still around,” is Mr. Donohue, trying to convey a thought, that this Scandal is actually over with due to the stellar work of the Bishops?

No matter how much he condemns the NCR, they report the truth of this continuing abuse here in the United States and World-Wide. Just this morning there is a new headline, “FBI opens sweeping probe of clergy sex abuse in New Orleans.” No Mr. Bill Donahue, “this mess,” is nowhere near to be over with.

Finally you have labeled the National Catholic Reporter, as being on the left side of things, the blame is insinuated there. To the Bishops due to their “great cleaning efforts they are afforded no blame by him. While in actuality, it was those Bishop Enablers, over the decades, who helped this priest abuse continue on, by moving those offenders out of one parish and into another one. This revolving door gave the green light for those offending priests to continue on with their depravity. With all of their different parish assignments, they sadly always had new victims to prey upon.

We all have heard the phrase, ‘Silence is Golden.’ Why is our Church hierarchy in such a rush for forgiveness, minus any real accountability? Yes we are the Laity, but we as well are ‘truly the People of God’. We collectively need to make our voices be heard on this issue. This abuse will never completely change, until the Laity, collectively holds the hierarchy accountable for this Mess! But more importantly to keep implementing new procedures that actually will be meaningful to all Catholics today.

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